Solar Photovoltaic

Multi-Functional Solar PV Panel Anti-Degradation Technology

This KEW technology concerns a high performance, low cost, easy-to-implement, environmentally friendly, and multifunctional bio-based coating technology for solar photovoltaic (PV) panel anti-degradation applications. This coating technology increases the PV panel system lifetime, reduces the overall electricity costs, brings energy and cost savings to the end-users, and improves the competitiveness of this alternative energy production source.

The commercial success of PV panels as an important and renewable energy source relies on their long-term stability, a key factor affecting the cost of the PV electricity. UV radiation and water/oxygen exposure, combined with high temperature, cause degradation of the encapsulation material and adhesive edge seals, oxidation of the anti-reflecting layer, loss of adherence between different layers of the PV module (delamination), and corrosion/oxidation of the interconnect, leading to module degradation and loss of power output. To ensure a lifetime exceeding 25 years with minimal loss of performance, a comprehensive solution to address the PV module degradation caused by moisture and oxygen ingress and UV radiation needs to be developed.

Status of this KEW technology: The stability and functionality of the coating were evaluated under accelerated testing conditions (humidity, heat, and UV) a prototype coating was produced in a pilot coating plant a field test was conducted to demonstrate the coating performance under natural weather conditions the anti-soiling performance of the coating was demonstrated and a standard operating procedure and product specifications were developed.